Support programmes for companies in Germany and Austria
To support the competitiveness of companies, the federal governments in Germany and Austria have launched their own funding programmes. Among other things, these programmes support investments in future-proof IT measures. Find out here whether you too can take advantage of funding for your IT project!
KMU.DIGITAL - term extended until 2026
KMU.Digital promotes individual consulting for Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by certified experts. Funding is then also provided for the implementation of your digitalisation projects with the help of new investments in the following areas
- Business models and processes (incl. resource optimisation)
Funding is provided for the development, introduction and improvement of products, services, processes and business models through digital applications. In addition to the classic ERP functions of WinLine, this primarily includes modules such as WinLine CRM, WinLine SMART, WinLine MOBILE, WinLine ARCHIVE, WinLine BI and WinLine BELEG PRO.
- E-commerce and online marketing
Support is provided for the digital transformation of the sales and distribution process, the introduction and further development of digital B2B or B2C applications or the implementation of innovative and data-based online strategies.
- IT and cybersecurity
Funding is available for the introduction or improvement of IT and cybersecurity measures and processes as well as the establishment of information security management.
- Digital administration
Funding is available for measures required by the company to utilise digital administration.
Status and potential analyses are funded with a subsidy of 80% of the consultancy costs (maximum 400 euros), more comprehensive strategy consultations with a subsidy of 50% (maximum 1,000 euros). You can have several consultations subsidised up to a total of 3,000 euros.
In the case of implementation funding, investments in digitalisation projects of between 3,000 and 30,000 euros are funded with up to 30% (but limited to a maximum of 6,000 euros).
The KMU.DIGITAL digitalisation campaign is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs (BMAW) in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) and is refinanced by the European Union.
You can find detailed information on https://www.kmudigital.at.
go-digital - Term until 31 December 2024
The go-digital funding programme supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and craft enterprises that want to optimise their business processes with the help of digital solutions, in a service- and customer-oriented, efficient and secure manner.
In the process, SMEs are assisted by consulting firms authorised by the BMWK, which provide them with expert advice and support in the implementation of innovative measures to set up or expand modern IT systems. These consulting firms relieve the SMEs of all formalities - from the application for funding to proof of use.
The advisory services and the concrete implementation of coordinated measures follow these five modules:
- Digitalisation strategy
- IT security
- Digitised business processes
- Data competence
- Digital market development
Consulting services are funded at a rate of 50 percent on a maximum daily consulting rate of 1,100 euros (excluding VAT). The maximum funding amount is 16,500 euros. The beneficiary SME only bears its own share. The funding amounts to a maximum of 30 consultant days in a period of up to 6 months.
Detailed information can be found at: https://www.innovation-beratung-foerderung.de
You can also find out about special local write-off and funding opportunities in the IT sector.